CAPY Celebrates Four Years of Grindstone

Published On: 27 October 2023Categories: NewsTags: ,

Grindstone, Capybara Games’ monster-slaying puzzle game, celebrates its four-year anniversary today! 

Boasting over 250 levels of colourful challenges, Grindstone sets itself apart from other games of its genre with its unique puzzle designs, one-of-a-kind art style, and plethora of different gear and item upgrades to satisfy any adventurer. The game’s overwhelmingly positive reviews and award-winning soundtrack are proof of its quality. As a thank-you for 4 years of support, CAPY is offering some exciting in-game goodies for Grindstone players! 

Head in-game to claim some sweet gifts for your stonegrinder experience, or check out Grindstone on Steam below if you’re new. Happy anniversary!