The Lodgge Podcast Episode 18

John Nguyen from Xsolla Canada

Published On: 21 September 2023Categories: The Lodgge PodcastTags:

Season 3! For the season premiere, we join John Nguyen, Xsolla’s Country Manager for Canada in discussing Xsolla’s role in the video game industry, how this role can help grow your studio, and lots more.

Hello everyone, and welcome back for season 3 of The Lodgge Podcast! I am your host, Scott Milley, and I am excited to introduce today’s uniquely talented guest, Xsolla’s Country Manager for Canada, John Nguyen. John, how are you doing today?

This episode is for the devs. John and I are going to be talking all things Xsolla. What does the company do, how they can help you and your studio grow, and much much more. So, without further adieu, let’s get into the conversation


John Specific Questions:

  • How did you get your start in the industry
  • What was it that drew you to Xsolla
  • What is the most fulfilling part of your position

Xsolla Specific Questions:

So Xsolla is a massive company. A global reach, accepting over 700 different payment methods, and some of the biggest partners in the game including Ubisoft, Roblox, Netease and many more. 

Now Ontario has a vast amount of studios, the most in the country, and they range from small independent teams to big multinational triple A studios. So today I want to ask you what Xsolla brings to the table across that spectrum, and hear a few examples of what a partnership with Xsolla looks like for a studio.

So I want to kick this off with the big picture, what does Xsolla do

A hypothetical

So I’m your average small studio. A team of 5-10, with a couple of game releases under our belt. We’ve found relative success in our niche, but are looking to expand and grow the studio, in scope, in talent, and, most importantly, in revenue, as we have been primarily relying on government funding up to this point. Xsolla has been recommended to us by other people in the industry. So I reach out.

  • What do those initial discussions look like
  • What is Xsolla looking for from me and my studio? Are there any tips and tricks you can share in regards to preparing for this partnership?
  • What do you see as the biggest benefits from this new partnership? How will it help my studio grow, and set us up for financial independence.

So I know an important tag line of yours is the “Democratization of the means of business”, focussing on the importance of the business aspects of the game industry. 

  • Let’s break that down. What does the “Democratization of the means of business” mean to you, and why is it so important to your company
  • What else can you tell us about how Xsolla can help
  • What sort of tools do you and your team use to better equip these studios for success?

Xsolla is everywhere. Every conference, every show, on every stage (it feels like) throughout the industry. As the company continues to grow and expand its reach across the globe, what are some of the hopes you and your team have for the future of the business, and how they will benefit your partners as well.


That will do it for Episode 18 of The Lodgge Podcast. John, do you have any final words before we sign off ?

  • Thank you everyone for joining us
  • Shoutout to Natalie on the one’s and two’s
  • A heartfelt thank you to Xsolla for being today’s sponsor
  • Thank you to you John, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come and talk with us today

Remember to follow The Lodgge on all your social media platforms to keep up with all things Ontario video games and interactive entertainment. Until next time, take care.

John Nguyen Bio

John Nguyen

John Nguyen is Xsolla's Country Manager for Canada.

Great stories are worth sharing.